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Even though you can always purchase tickets at our box office prior to the show, we recommend that you make your reservations prior to your arrival to insure best seating possible.
If you have any questions or need assistance making your reservations,
please call us at (570) 226 - 9752.
Online reservation received after 6:00 p.m. the same day as the
performance cannot be guaranteed. Tickets may be purchased at
the door up to curtain time. Reserved tickets will be held at the
reservation table up to 10 minutes prior to the show.
We accept cash, check, Mastercard, and Visa
Show Tickets
$20.00 - Adults
$15.00 - Seniors (65 and older) & Students
Ritz Bitz Jr Show Tickets
$ 10.00 - All
Children under 5 - Free
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